Nuestra Salud
Matico Tea Herbal Infusion Tea (30g) Zip lock
Matico Tea Herbal Infusion Tea (30g) Zip lock
Matico Herbal Infusion Tea 1 Zip-Lock Bag (30g)
Matico is a rare plant indigenous to Argentina and Colombia. Its leaves produce a strong flavored herbal infusion traditionally used as a digestive aid to soothe occasional stomach discomfort, flatulence and a feeling of fullness.
Zip-Lock Bag 30g 1.05oz
Common names: anisillo, aperta-ruão, bamboo piper, cordoncillo, cordoncillo negro,erba di soldato, erva-de-jaboti, erva-de-soldado, false kava, gaa ma da oedoe, guayayo, gusanillo, herbe du soldat, higuillo, higuillo de hoja, hoja santa, jaborandi falso, jawawa, jointwood, kakoro, malembe toto, man-anihs, matico pepper, matico, maticoblätter, matika, matiko, menuda, moco-moco, moho-moho, mucumucu, pimenta de fruto ganxoso, pimenta-de-fruto-ganchoso, pimenta-de-macaco, pimenta-matico, Santa Maria negro, shiatani, soldaten kraut, soldier's herb, spiked pepper, tapa-curaco, tokondé, tupa burraco, upnpoingpoing, wer-ui-qui-yik
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